Green Project v1.31.0

Version 1.29.3 of Green Project's platform was released on July 8th, 2024 and included the following updates

New Features!

  • Non-Facility Activity Tagging – tags can now be added to all non-facility activities in the following environmental survey sections: Purchased Goods & Services, Mobile Combustion, Fugitive and Processed Emissions, Logistics, Waste, Business Travel, and Employee Commute. The tags can be added manually by adding or editing individual activities or can be added using the bulk add functionality in these sections. When using the bulk functionality, the format of the tags should be {Tag Group}: {Tag Name} and multiple entries should be separated by semicolons. If adding an ungrouped tag, simply use {Tag Name}.
  • Social & Governance Toggle – customers can now have the Social & Governance functionality toggled off for their accounts.

Other Improvements

  • Users who are viewing the dashboard graph sliced by facility can select a color scheme.
  • Methodology icons now show on Upstream / Downstream Leased Asset environmental surveys.
  • The I don't have access to this data--please estimate for me checkbox has been removed from the Purchased Goods and Services environmental survey.
  • Customizable page sizes have been added to the following environmental survey categories: Stationary Combustion, Mobile Combustion, Fugitive and Processed Emissions, Utilities, Logistics, Upstream Leased Assets, and Downstream Leased Assets.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where spaces and other special characters were not allowed in Tag names when performing a bulk operation.
  • Resolved an issue where the dashboard graph would have mismatched colors for GHG categories when the customer had Scope 3 disabled.
  • White Label styles will now be applied to the Manage Facilities and Manage Tags buttons on the Environmental Surveys landing page.
  • Resolved an issue where SCM accounts could not create custom surveys with multiple choice questions and branching sub-questions.
  • When viewing the dashboard graph for a single period and by Emissions per square foot, the user will be shown a stacked bar graph instead of a line graph.
  • Changing a Combustion, Electricity, or Thermal resource for a Lessor facility from being independently metered to not being independently metered will now correctly move that resource, the usage, and the units to Downstream Leased Assets and update the carbon footprint accordingly.