Green Project v1.27.0

Version 1.27.0 of Green Project's platform was released on June 5th, 2024 and included the following updates

New Features!

  • White Label administrator users will now be able to add, edit, and remove customers associated with their White Label account.
  • EDCI Improvements – we have updated the EDCI report process to allow for previously submitted reports to be re-opened and re-submitted. For a Portfolio Company’s report to be re-opened, the Investor report must be un-submitted or have already been re-opened. There are a couple of other EDCI-related changes as well:
    • Improvements have been made to the data validation for all sections of the EDCI report, to ensure our users can enter data that aligns with the EDCI’s own validation standards.
    • To reduce the risk of working in the wrong EDCI report, when an Investor accesses their reports page the Year dropdown will automatically select the previous calendar year.
    • The EDCI preview and report submission will now show “0” for fields where the user entered “0” and will be blank for fields left blank.
    • Fixed an issue where companies not assigned to a fund could be included in the EDCI report.

Other Enhancements

  • All Bulk Action buttons have been hidden for Facility Manager users, since these users do not have permissions to take bulk actions in Environmental surveys.
  • Facility Manager users will no longer see notifications regarding new Social & Governance custom surveys assigned to their customer.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the Independently Metered value would always be TRUE when taking the “Download and Fill” option while bulk adding/editing facility resources.
  • When an Investor is managing their Funds for EDCI reporting, “unassigned” companies will not be able to be included in their EDCI report.
  • The current HHV value for emission factors will be retrieved when saving an environmental survey that has emission factors using HHV values.
  • Fixed a bug where Closed environmental surveys could be changed without first being re-opened.