Green Project v1.26.0

Version 1.26.0 of Green Project's platform was released on May 23rd, 2024 and included the following updates


  • Facility names can now include commas, entered either manually or through the bulk workflow.
  • Activities within the Employee Commute survey can now be selected for Bulk actions. The available bulk actions for these activities will be Set Emission Factor, Set Description, and Delete.
  • When performing bulk edit operations on facilities, any changed field will have the previous value displayed as struck-through red text.

Bug Fixes

  • The per employee carbon intensity metric on the dashboard will no longer be based on the company value, but rather on the employee count from the selected survey period.
  • Fixed a bug where facility names were required to be unique across all customers, not just the current customer.
  • When bulk adding Mobile Combustion activities, the units will now correctly display in the audit report.
  • When manually adding Mobile Combustion activities and entering a unit different than the default, the selected unit will now correctly display in the audit report.