Green Project v1.21.0

Version 1.21.0 of Green Project's platform was released on February 15th, 2024 and included the following updates

New Features!

  • Improvements to the Waste survey category to allow for facility-specific resources to be created and have detailed datasets and emission factors available for use with those resources. There is also support for capturing general Waste information, for any data that isn’t associated with a specific facility. These improvements give customers a more accurate reporting of their Waste emissions in the correct GHG Protocol Scope 3 category.

Other Improvements

  • When performing a Bulk Add operation in the Purchased Goods & Services survey section, you can now set the Capital Goods flag for each row being added.
  • The unique facility identifier (facility slug) will now be included in the audit report as well as on the facility detail page.
  • Updates to the styling and labels for category numbers in the environmental survey page.
  • To reduce the risk of customer’s losing progress while answering surveys, we have removed the Select Category button from the bottom of all survey sections.
  • Added descriptive names for sub-question worksheets when exporting custom survey responses.

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed an inconsistency between how carbon footprints were being converted from pounds to kilograms and how emission factors were being converted from pounds to kilograms. These calculations will now be done with the same rate to remove any chance of inconsistency in customer’s reporting data.
  • Resolved an issue that occurred where the customer’s carbon footprint would not be completely updated when doing a “Download and Fill” action for the Stationary Combustion survey category if there was more than one page worth of resources.
  • Using the “Clear Section” functionality on Business Travel surveys and saving the section will now successfully clear the data.
  • Fixed a bug where the units column was not populating when taking the “Download and Fill” action for resources with a data entry type of “Bill Upload”.
  • Bills uploaded to resources in the Downstream Leased Assets survey category will now be available for download on the Downstream Leased Assets
  • Fixed General survey category so changes made to the number of employees is saved.
  • Fixed Other Green Initiatives survey category so multiple answers can be saved for the “Are you a member of any of the following organizations?” question.
  • Resolved a bug on the Manage Facilities screen where the data status icon would disappear after editing a facility.
  • Tooltips now correctly show on all data status icons when viewing facilities and their resources.
  • When viewing a facility’s resources, the “warning” data status icon will no longer show for periods where resources were turned off.
  • Fixed an issue where bulk adding facilities with open / close dates would cause those facilities to not show in survey periods for which they were active.
  • Resolved an issue where resources with open/close dates would still be considered for pagination in environmental survey categories, resulting in an inconsistent number of items per page.
  • The Download and Fill action will no longer include turned off resources.
  • Changes to company names will now show when investors are viewing previously created custom surveys.
  • Emissions from Thermal resources will now be correctly included in the Green Project API.