Fugitive & Processed Emissions

Fugitive & Processed Emissions

This emissions category measures your greenhouse gas emissions resulting from leaked refrigerants, and from the use of anaesthetic gases. 

Refrigerants includes gases used in the operation of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. Refrigerant gases often have high Global Warming Potentials (GWPs). The GWP of a gas is a measure of how much energy (heat) will be absorbed by 1 ton of the gas, relative to the amount of energy (heat) that is absorbed by 1 ton of Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Dioxide is the reference gas against which other gases are compared, so its GWP is 1.

Because many refrigerant gases have GWPs that are hundreds or thousands of times higher than carbon dioxide, even the small amounts of refrigerant gases that typically leak from air conditioners and refrigeration systems can have a large impact on a business's carbon footprint.

Anesthetic Gases include gases used in medical and veterinary practices; most non-medical companies do not have emissions in this category.