Bulk CSV: Purchased Goods and Services

This article explains how to use the Purchased Goods and Services category's "Bulk Add" functionality.

  1. Navigate to the purchased goods and services section of one of your surveys.
  2. Select "Bulk Add" in the top right corner
  3. Download the data entry template.
  4. Fill out the data in the columns as follows:
    1. Facility Slug: This column allows you to associate purchases with specific faciliities. Each facility in Green Project is assigned a slug, typically formatted as your-company-name-1. To view a list of your company's facility slugs, download the Facility List.
    2. Description: Use this column to add a description to the emissions line item. The description field can accept any values that are relevant to your company.
    3. Dataset Name/Emissions Factor Name: In this column, enter the emissions factor and dataset you would like mapped for this row. For assistance determining the most appropriate emissions factors for your company, contact your Green Project sustainability manager.
    4. Spend: In this field, enter the quantity of the activity in question (for example, $5000 spend; 234 kg purchase). Do not enter units in this field.